“A woman who doesn’t wear perfume…………..” My take on the whole shenanigan! .


I wonder how many people can complete the quote in the title. It was made by one of the most iconic women in fashion to date, Coco Chanel. The entire quote says ” A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future”. This one is not just for the ladies, it applies to ladies and gentlemen alike. 

Now before you go cray cray (crazy) like my friends and i would often say, take a minute to hear what i have to say. Playing the part begins with looking the part (or according to Coco Chanel, smelling the part). If that didn’t bring it home for you, read a little further. If you look good, you can start feeling good!

Haven’t you ever noticed these two things interrelating, good dress and success. As a self-proclaimed fashionista it is obvious that i may be a tad bit biased, but here’s my request to you! Try it once, plan an outfit that you know makes you feel confident, or highlights your favorite features! Wear that perfume that makes you feel like you’re the scent in every one else’s day and tell me if you don’t feel the difference.

To further assert my point, here’s the plain and simple truth of the matter, even though it might be a bitter pill to swallow. Majority of humanity in their every day interrelations with others do not have the time, desire and/or the privilege to read the book before making their judgement. So they do what they can, they judge it by its cover. 

Although ideally i would like things to play out differently, most people will judge you by the appearance (or the scent, again according to Chanel) that you present them with. So when trying to make an impression, just put in some effort. No need to break the bank or a sweat, or go entirely out of your comfort zone. Your aim is to send your desired message to those you interact with, what you chose to say with your appearance is up to you!

And if everything i have said still doesn’t convince you then take this advice because it’s from Chanel. She built an entire empire from scratch, so i have a feeling she knew what she was talking about!

think about it,


(image was borrowed from: http://larikapage.com/blog/?p=393)


Someone once asked me “what dont you believe in?”. Part 2

The best way to get back at life when it attempts to submerge you is to get back up and go for your goal with all the more determination and passion and intelligence.

I will leave you with one thing, perhaps the only thing i remember about the founder of the primary school i attended, she always said (and i know she did not come up with this on her own) if at first you dont succeed, try try try again. She would make us say it over and over again. At the time it was of little import to me. However, i guess it stuck somewhere in my subconscious because now for the life of me i cant seem to give up on any thing or resign myself to absolute helplessness.

Life is just so much brighter when you HOPE!

Hoping i helped,
Its temmy101.

Someone once asked “what dont youbelieve in?”

I was spending some quality time with my friends when i received a strange bbm message. An acquaintance asked me completely out of the blue “what dont you believe in?”. At first i thought it was a mistake. Either she meant to say what do you believe in, or she had the wrong contact and meant to ask someone else who had an idea of the context of the question. So you can imagine my weak reply, at first i was like “Huh? (insert bbm confused smiley face), then she was like “what is it that you dont believe in?”. Initially i felt a bit dumb, it was like i could hear the duh in her message. Since i had no idea off the top of my head and it was taking too much brain power to think it up at the time (cause i was supposed to be chilling with my girlies), i asked her to give me some time.

I actually planned not to respond ever (i was hoping she’d never ask again and if she did i would just pretend i forgot). But then, being the person i am, i just could not let it go. i did not like the idea of not having an answer to this kind of question. i have always figured myself to be one of the most self aware people i know so it botherd me that i had never given this question any thought before. So i racked my brain and eventually it came to me! I DO NOT  BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND IN ABSOLUTE HELPLESSNESS!

In life we face challenges and sometimes they literally feel like you are in an episode of wipeout! Life’s always gonna throw you a curve ball or punch you in the face making you fall in the pit of mud (if you wanna continue with the wipeout metaphor)! Question is, what are you gonna do? I realised that i dont believe that there is any situation where you are faced with a challenge where you can do absolutely nothing to rise above it. Even if all you can do is ask for advise or hand it over to someone who can help you take care of it, those are still very valid options. I believe there is always a way out!

Unfortunately human beings being the irrational beings that they are find themselves too occupied for way too long wallowing in misery over the curve ball! Grieve if you have to, because most times you do. Nevertheless, one way or another you have to move on and i would rather move in the direction of triumph in the face of adversity than towards further defeat, wouldnt you? Avoiding the elephant in the room and crying about it till thy kingdom come is not gonna make it go away. Instead its gonna remain in your way and cause further incumberance. So you’d better get to figuring out how to get rid of it!

In some cases we should all be more like the guy who said, when i dont get it right the first 1000 times i dont give up because all it means is that i have found a 1000 ways it wont work! That is progress, irrspective of how irrelevant it may seem to others. What if the next option you gave up on trying was gonna be it, you would never find out. Rome wasnt built in a day; just because your idea didnt work the first or the second or third time, doesnt mean it wont work the next time. You just need to make sure you are making strategic progress each time! I am not advocating doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (that would be insanity according to a famous quote which originated from i dont know where). Learn to channel your emotions……….
To be continued.
Xoxo temmy101

The little things count

Sometimes a cup of hot chocolate can make you feel better. I took this picture at a little cafe my friends and I went to on a cold winter night after exams. For some odd reason I couldn’t explain I just felt blue. When the waiter brought the hot chocolate it made me smile, that they had taken the effort to make the cup of hot chocolate just a tad bit special. Now as I think back on that night I am reminded that the little things are so very important. You never know what the effect of you actions or words might be on the people they are directed at. Be careful of the seeds you sow into the life of others because they can be instrumental in making or breaking them. It’s a challenge to always be positive and always give your best to the people around you. However, it adds so much more colour to your life and theirs.

Make up your mind to be a life builder and not a spirit crusher. This brings to mind a portion of a very famous quote which says more or less that by letting our light shine we give others the permission to do the same. Lord only knows how many times I have been discouraged by others from being my naturally vibrant and bubbly self, if I gave up every time this happened, I would never have gotten to see the real person behind the facade who seemed bent on taking away my joy.

Everyone no matter how tough they seem needs a little loving kindness. Be God’s outstretched arm to your world by giving it!

In love and smiles,

its temmy101 xoxox